Tomorrow (Saturday 11 June) is our first day of Open Viewing Lessons, and we will continue to present our syllabus work until Friday 17 June. Acrobatics classes will have their Open Viewing Lessons on Wednesday 22 June. Performance Squads will not be open for viewing,...
The Benefit of Exams
Dear Dance Families Please find information attached which describes the benefit of completing ATOD dance exams. I always encourage students to strive towards completing their exam syllabus, and receiving recognition for their ongoing efforts. Please don't forget that...
ATOD Competitions – 2022 Draft Program
The Draft Program for the ATOD Brisbane Competitions is attached. Please search for your child's name using your computer's 'find' function, and plan to arrive backstage at least 30 mins prior to your section time. Please make sure all performers are dressed as per...
School Holiday Support
During the school holidays, teachers will be available for private lessons on Tuesdays 28 June and 5 July. Should you like to make a booking, please send an email to no later than Friday 17 June.
Events Update – 7 June
There has been some confusion regarding the difference between the ATOD Competitions on 25-26 June (where students perform a dance on stage) and the ATOD student examinations at the end of August (where an examiner visits our studio to provide a feedback report and...
Security Cameras
As from this week, security cameras will be operating at Intrinsic Studios, enhancing safety, and enabling direct visual and audio links through the Director's mobile network as necessary.
The Group Program for the Quota Eisteddfod at the Logan Entertainment Centre has just been released. Our Elite Performance Squads are performing between 31st July - 7th August: Sunday 31st July (Afternoon Session) - 15 Years Jazz (Pyjama Dance) &...
Term 3 Fees
Invoices will soon be issued for Term 3 Fees (due 24 June). If families would like to know more about the fee process used, please refer to the website: Where three or more lessons are attended per week, families have the option of...
ATOD Student Examinations
Throughout Semester 1, our Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Musical Theatre & Hip Hop classes have been working hard in preparation for ATOD Examinations on 26th - 28th August (or possibly 2nd - 4th September [Note: In 2022, there will be no exams for Acrobatics...
Dance For Sick Kids – This Week!
Happy ‘Dance For Sick Kids Week’! Don't forget to bring your gold coin donation to lessons, or you can donate at: To join in force for 'Dance for Sick Kids Week', we will enjoy workshops from New York’s top...