Please find attached a program for the ATOD Competitions on 3 & 4 June. Younger students have all been partnered with a friend when performing on stage. If you are unable to attend this event based on the times provided, please let me know as soon as...
D4SK Week: 15 – 21 May
This week is National Families Week (15 - 21 May) so we will be dancing with a difference (including some fun online activities) in order to make a difference for sick kids and their families. Please support our ‘Dance For Sick Kids’ fundraiser by either bringing a...
2023 Dance Examinations
Dear Parents & Students Throughout Semester 1, our Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Contemporary, Musical Theatre & Hip Hop classes have been working hard in preparation for ATOD Examinations on 19 & 20 August (or possibly on our back-up dates of 2 &...
Free Stretch & Strengthening Workshops
Dear Dance Families As a thank you to students who never miss lessons, or a make-up lesson for students who have missed lessons in Term 2, we have a limited opportunity for students 8 years or older to attend a free 'Stretch & Strengthening' workshop with Miss...
Intrinsic Uniforms
Dear Dance Families Customised uniforms from PW Dancewear usually take 6 - 8 weeks to be sewn and delivered. We hope to have all uniform items ordered from Term 1 received soon. Orders are now being taken for uniform items which will be ready for collection at...
ATOD International Dance Awards Overview JUL 1-5 2023
Hi Everyone, Thank you to all families supporting the ATOD International Awards in 2023 (not to be confused with our ATOD Competitions being held on 3 & 4 June). We are truly grateful for the number of entries received and the studios that are traveling a great...
Term 2 Update – 19 April
Dear Dance Families April/May is an exciting time where all classes prepare for mid-year performances (Acrobatics presentations will be internal as part of Open Viewing Lessons). Please don't forget that ATOD Competition entries are due this Friday 21 April (more...
Term 2 Preparations
Dear Parents & Students, As we approach the end of Term 1, please don't forget to come along and support your child/family at our Open Viewing Lessons this Monday 27 March - Saturday 1 April. With many classes reaching full capacity, please...
ATOD Qld Competitions 2023
A very special mid-year event which I encourage all dancers (except Acrobatics students) to be part of is the ATOD Mid-Year Competitions (Qld Competitions). This is a wonderful opportunity for students training in Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre and Level...
Tiny Tots – Term 2
Term 2 Bookings are now available for our 'Active and Healthy' Tiny Tots programs - $5.00 per lesson!(subsidised by Logan City Council) To secure a Tiny Tots class placement for all of Term 2, please book online:ACTIVE & HEALTHY - TINY TOTS - TERM 2...