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Ekka Rehearsals

My apologies - I forgot that Wednesday 10th August is a school day for some! We still have usual lessons on this day, but we will cancel the Ekka rehearsal which was previously offered during 'school-hours', and offer the following rehearsal times to reset...

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EKKA Performance

“Intrinsic School of Dance celebrates their 30th Anniversary with an adventurous display of Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Acrobatics, Jazz and Yankees Baseball!" The following groups have been selected to perform at the Ekka on Sunday 14th August (Main Stage, Channel...

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2022 Exam Timetable

Please find our timetable attached for student examinations on Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th August. During the week prior to exams, we will hold dress rehearsals (Open Viewing Lessons) for all students (except Acrobatics classes) to present their syllabus...

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Redlands Eisteddfod

Good luck to our Performance Squads who are performing at the Redlands Eisteddfod (Lingo Lin Theatre, Ormiston) this weekend (23 - 24 July). All performers will receive a competitor pass to enter the theatre. Admission tickets for family and friends can be purchased...

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Photo Shoot – Wednesday

This Wednesday 20 July (3.30 - 3.45pm), Origin Energy will be presenting a cheque for $1,250.00 to Intrinsic Studios for our Outstanding Contribution to the Community. 'Logan and Albert News' will be attending, and have asked that as many students attend as possible...

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Risk Management Strategy

Please find an updated Risk Management Strategy for Intrinsic Studios attached. It is important that all teachers, students, parents and guardians are familiar with and apply our general procedures and risk management strategies. Please contact...

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Origin Energy – Winner!

Thank you to everyone who has shown how much Intrinsic School of Dance has contributed to your life… Thank You Small Business, a worldwide initiative proudly brought to Australia for the first time by Origin, invited Australians to nominate small businesses and their...

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Welcome to Term 3

Don't forget that Term 3 commences this Saturday 9th July. Please ensure that Term 3 invoices have been paid (please check your spam folder if you have not received your invoice). We look forward to seeing everyone's smiling faces back at the studio after a refreshing...

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Ekka Sale

We are so excited to have you perform at the Ekka 2022! With the release of our famous showbags yesterday, the Ekka is having a surprise sale on tickets until midnight Sunday 10 July. So feel free to share the following discount code with family and friends who would...

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Term 3 Timetable

Dear Dance Families Term 3 commences this Saturday 9th July. With several classes requiring a change in focus in Term 3, we are hoping that the following Timetable adjustments will suit everyone's schedule: Mondays - Advanced students will merge with...

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